This is a guide to the different planets and locations on them which you can and can't visit in the game. The info is COLOR CODED so you always know where it's coming from.
BLUE text is copied directly from Sega's site. Why? It's not guarenteed that Sega will leave it there. They didn't with various geological and other data from PSO, so it's best to keep it here as well. |
This guide is long. It also contains SPOILERS in ALL AREAS. Additionally, you can click any of the words below, and be taken to the section that contains it on this page. Links which will be underlined may also appear inside the text. Press them to go to other pages! | |||||||||
Clyez City Mellvore City Holtes City Dagora City Ohtoku City Tarcus City |
Moatoob Belt Mizuraki CD Temples Shikkon Islands Raffon Meadow |
The GUARDIANS organization owns and controls the GUARDIANS Colony. The GUARDIANS Colony had modest beginnings as a small colony purchased as the home base for the organization. As the GUARDIANS grew larger, the colony was further developed into the huge residential colony it is today, with over a million permanent residents. The GUARDIANS travel all across the Gurhal System for missions, using a transportation system called "Vector Tracks" to reach each of the three planets. The Vector Tracks can be easily recognized due to their rows of ring-shaped control units. Clyez City can be found at the center of the GUARDIANS Colony and is where the GUARDIANS Headquarters are located. There are multiple cities in the GUARDIANS Colony that are very similar in design to Clyez City. (this is here to help explain the different “Universes” which replaced the shipservers of PSO.) |
The Linear Line is an antigrav transportation system that traverses the inside of the GUARDIANS Colony. It is also used on other colonies and on extremely large ships. This implies that there may be more places similar to the colony which you can explore, or may take part in some other story. As Ethan, you had to rescue people out of the Linear Line area when SEED first crashed it. Since the online mode takes place a full year after offline, there are still remnants of SEED appearing around. The GUARDIANS are a security organization established to ensure the safety of their clients, dealing primarily with requests from individuals concerning dangerous native creatures and criminals. In the Gurhal System there is an official police force, but they are unable to police the entire system by themselves. For that reason, this interplanetary company was created, and Guardians are granted limited police powers in the execution of assigned missions. The guardians are quite similar to Hunters of PSO in this respect. Hunters were granted similar rights, and were also able to hire themselves out. |
Once a planet rich in natural abundance, it was driven to desolation over time due to human settlement, CAST production, and a war that lasted 500 years. It is assumed that this war was Humans vs. Newmen vs. Casts vs. Beasts. There also could of been different factions or countries within the groups all having a fight. This 500 years war ended 100 years BEFORE story mode starts. Story mode begins around the Centennial Celebration for their 100th year of peace. Much of the nature found today has been artificially created. Tarcus City: Holtes City CASTs make up only 5% of Parum's population. However, most of the important positions in politics, administration, and management are filled by CASTs. Holtes is Parum's economic center. Major facilities are concentrated in Holtes City, with the GUARDIANS branch located in the East District. The West District is home to GRM headquarters, Alliance Military H.Q., and a shopping mall. The PPT Shuttle port, as well as the Alliance Council building, are both found in the Central District. One hundred years earlier, at the end of the final great war, the Alliance Military Force (AMF) was created via the Tripartite Treaty as a mutual deterrent to keep order in the system. The Alliance Military has a command system that is independent from any planetary government. They are a neutral power, suppressing military disturbances throughout the Gurhal System. Their funding is provided by the governments of all three planets, but their ranks are comprised almost entirely of CASTs. Raffon Meadow Mellvore City Lake Denes Neudaiz Neudaiz holds the most water content of the three planets. People on Neudaiz coexist with nature. Huge plants grow densely, untouched by people, and floating islands dot the waters. The majority of the population is made up of newmans. Neudaiz's planetary religion is the Gurhal Faith, and the planet is a theocracy governed by the Communion of Gurhal. Most of Neudaiz's residents are followers. It is the Gurhal System's largest religion, supported by both newman and non-newman followers. Neudaiz's capital is Ohtoku City, home of the headquarters of the Communion of Gurhal. One of the largest companies in the city is the Yohmei Corporation, famous for its powerful TECHNIC-based weapons. Ohtoku City's residents are mostly newman, with other races making up approximately 20% of the city's population. Ohtoku City Mizuraki Preserve The Communion of Gurhal carries out the propagation of the Gurhal Faith and religious ceremonies as a religious organization. They also act as a political body, carrying out governmental duties on Neudaiz. Four high-ranking members of the Communion, known as Light Masters, rule over "Festas," "Governmental Affairs," "Culture," and "Guard." These four are presided over by the Photon Master. Shikon Archipelago Hakura Temple Kokura Temple MOATOOB Of the three planets, Moatoob has the harshest environment. Inhabitants must constantly battle the elements to survive. The oceans are dry and the land is becoming a harsh desert, but Moatoob is rich in natural resources. Thus, there is no end to the influx of immigrants with grandiose dreams of getting rich quick. Beasts make up the majority of the inhabitants. Medium-sized cities dot Moatoob's surface. Representatives from each city have formed a trade alliance, but it's a loose organization and agreements are carried out between individual merchants for the most part. Rather, it can be said that the rogues' underground society controls much of Moatoob's politics. Dagora City A city where outlaws and shady characters gather. Dagora City is home to a bar frequented by rogues, as well as Tenora Works, maker of nonstandard underground-style weapons. The bar is called Gawik's Pub. Galenigare Canyon Satellite Belt THE HIVE The Hive used to be an A-photon reactor sattelite. This sattleite was made to house A-photon reactors and to be a facility for science experiments by the Endrum collective. During the SEED invasion, Endrum collected many top A-photon researchers (no doubt their captives) and shipped them up to the orbiting body. Because the sattleite was primarily Endrum's responsibilty, and the attack on the system was so sudden, it was largely ignored during the SEED invasion. Because of this, the infection level of the ship is so great that it now resembles an organic mass with multiple 'eyes' and 'fins'. |