PSO Episode 1 NPC Guide Page 2 Back to Page1
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Gizele Red Spike Head Small RAmar Cecil Trekka Nadja |
Takuya Valletta Calus Hopkins Mark 1 Hopkins Mark 2 Shino and Zoke |
GIZELE AKA: HUmar: Brown/green spike hair Relations: Occupation: Hunter Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: Gizele the hunter is first seen in the quest ‘Magnitude of Metal’, attempting to find out more information on the disappearance of The Gran Squall. He doesn’t know any information. Gizele later dies with Dacci as Falz first possesses him, then takes his body in the quest ‘From the Depths’. AKA: HUcast: Red (Yelloboze ID) Relations: Occupation: Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: This very large hunter android from Yelloboze only appears on board Pioneer 2, so not much information is available on him. He is very pleasant and friendly, and appears frequently. He knew Blant while he was alive, and knows about the hunters that went missing in their involvement with Black Paper. He can also be found in the quest Rappy Holiday, and his favorite game is the motorcycle race, although he is not the best at it yet. AKA: RAmar: Pruple/white, helmet Relations: Occupation: Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: The small RAmar appears in various quests, but is never of much use. He either makes general comments, or sympathizes with parts of the quest. His most lengthy and amusing role is in Rappy Holiday, where he has acquired some points. At first, he will boast about them, but once you achieve a different number of points then he has, he will be slightly sad, then admire you!
AKA FOmarl: White dress/white hair Relations: Is getting married to Albert Occupation: Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: Cecil is getting married to a man she loves a lot, Albert. However, she has a problem with her weight and is desperate to loose some before her wedding. She is so desperate that she sneaks off and doesn’t tell her fiancée, disappears for a while, and finally hires you, a hunter, to help her take the weight off by going to a goal point in the caves. For some mysterious reason there are zero health clubs on a ship full of 30,000 restless people, composed of civilians and hunters who love to train, so she must risk her life to get thin on a hostile planet. Cecil equips a wand style force weapon and casts a variety of Barta. Because Cecil is a poor fighter, she ends up using recovery items when she hunts, which some how cause her to become fat. With you there to protect her, she won’t use any of the items and will be able to get a decent workout. Her fiancée, Albert, seems to love her very much and calls her ‘his goddess’. It is later revealed that he did not want to pay for the wedding however, and Cecil had to go hunting to earn the money herself. As she hunted, she wondered who she was marrying that wouldn’t help pay for the ceremony and cause her to risk her own life to do it. Humans are confusing. GameCube Update Cecil's determination shows through more, as she comments on how tired she is at the end of Cave 1, but renews her struggle. AKA: Starter of ‘Sweet Mania’ Civillian Relations: Occupation: Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: Diets Trekka hires you to seek out a sweet food to satisfy a craving she has. While food isn’t restricted on Pioneer2, sugary items are. Why they are restricted (not enough sugar to go around/may be bad for you) is not clear. Because of her love for sugar, Trekka used to be fat. She isn’t fat when she hires you to bring her any sweet item to make up for her disappointment in not landing on the surface and having the restrictions to sugar removed. Trekka may be ‘a nod’ to previous Phantasy Star games or missions. You can buy her a cake from ‘The Cake Sisters’ a group of three sisters and famous bakers. They are obsessed with baking the perfect sweets and sneak down to the caves in their cooking/sales van to find the appropriate humidity in which to cook. GameCube Update Trekka's quest was long noted for it's high number of enemies, and the sheer size of the levels it takes place in. The quest was excellent if you wanted to level your character in the caves without too much danger. This time, the clue "A Faint Sweet Smell" appears to guide you in the right direction, in case you didn't want a marathon. NadjaAKA: FOmarl: Red, white hair Relations: Occupation: Special Powers: Affiliations: The Council or The government Enemies: After Dacci and Gizele are taken by Falz, Nadja is the only person left in the level. She was sent with a group of other hunters by either the government or the council to investigate a large sub-terrarium earthquake that occurred in the ruins. Her group became separated when they fell through a floor somewhere, and people began being possessed by Falz. As you speak to Nadja, Falz slowly possesses her and eventually leads her to attack you. She equips a wand type force weapon, and casts a fairly weak form of Barta. She is brought close to death either by you, or by the Dark minions of Falz that teleport in once you talk to her. When she falls and all the enemies are defeated, Falz takes her body. AKA: HUmar: tan, tan Relations: Occupation: Council or Government employed hunter Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies: Takuya’s only purpose in the game seems to be to die. He only appears once, in the quest ‘From the Depths’ with his partner Type:O in the ruins. He always equips a variety of large sword. He dies as Falz takes his body when you approach him among Pioneer 1 ruins. Takuya now appears in a cut-scene with his partner Type:O in the quest "From the Depths". Type: O seems to be the more moral of the two. He discusses "taking care of" the the team sent to the ruins to investigate the earthquake. Ashs' comment may back him up, as he says "The rest of the team has been killed, I've found evidence of it" AKA: HUnewearl: Tan/tan Relations: Occupation: Special Powers: Ability to equip Ranger only Rifle Affiliations: Enemies: Sales people You meet Valletta only once, as you try to help Matha Graves find her butler in the quest ‘The Grave’s Butler’. Valletta is cranky and thinks you are trying to sell her something for some reason. She will provide you with un-helpful directions if you bother her again. The most notable thing about her, is her ability to equip a ranger-only rifle, although she is a HUnewearl. AKA: Dr. Callus(?) Deceased/civilian/computer Relations: Occupation: Scientist Special Powers Affiliations: Enemies:
Callus, the boyfriend of Elly Person, is actually an intelligent computer, but that is not the only thing that makes him unique. He is also the only survivor of Pioneer 1 that you can meet and speak with. It is likely that Dr. Callus, a scientist who was working on an ‘independent computer’ IS actually his project. He died when he was young, and probably found a way to live on as a computer, retaining his sense of humor and personality in the process. It is also possible that he programmed on the CALS system, and it adopted his personality, as in Seat of the Heart, Calus seems 100% computer. He was placed onboard Pioneer 1 and later installed in the mines to help run equipment. He explains that something has been hacking into every machine in the mines, as well as the computers of the mines to make the machines hostile towards people and cause them to attack anything that has to do with Pioneer 2. Callus remains un-affected for long enough to finally meet his girlfriend, but is forced to shut himself down due to the effects of the hacking. It is never revealed who or what is causing the machines of No Man’s Mines to become hostile. (although it does point to Falz's work) Although he shuts down, Callus does not die, as Elly makes and takes with her, a backup copy of him. See also Seat of the Heart AKA: FOnewm: White/blue sailor suit, white afro Relations: Occupations: Special Powers: Affiliations: Enemies:
You meet Hopkins (mark one) as he stands with Valletta in the quest ‘The Graves’ Butler’. He has been finding Blants’ messages as well, and becomes frightened by what he has heard. This Hopkins seems very similar in personality and height to the Hopkins found in the ‘win back’ quests online, and possibly selling black market data to Dr. Gulls. Perhaps this was meant to be the same disguise? AKA: The loser FOnewm: Yellow, blue, sunglasses, hat Relations: Paganini- his Father Occupation: Special Powers: ability to lose weapons, possible out-of-class equipping. Affiliations: Enemies: You meet this Hopkins as he sells black market data on Rag Rappies to Dr. Gulls on board Pioneer 2. Offline, you never get the ability to find out his name as he is always on the ship. Online, he(or someone who looks exactly like him) named Hopkins hires you to get back special weapons that he loses to several different bosses. He is well known for losing his items, even though they are special to him. His father has given him an Ice Spinner, a Heat Sword and, a Soul Blade. Technically, he should not be able to use the Heat Sword he was given, as he is a FOnewm. Although he may not be that great in battle, he refuses to work for clients he can’t trust. He also tells you a bit about Great Sword Zoke. have such a large description that they get their own page. |