Phantasy Star Zero Title Graphic
This is the basic write-up / summary of the plot of the entire game.
Everything here is a spoiler. If you didn't want to play the game, (or couldn't) or if you wanted to see what happens with a character of a race you didn't choose when you ran through it, this is the right place.

What You Do/The official "Party Line" appears in RED TEXT
Important things are in BOLD TEXT
Speculation is in GREEN TEXT
Chocie Options are in BLUE TEXT
Message Packs have PURPLE TEXT

Phantasy Star Zero Plot Page 1 * PS-Zero Plot Page 2 * PS-Zero Plot Page 3 * PS-Zero NPC Guide * Dynasty Home *
These quests appear only if you activate the 'final quest'.
It's not 100% clear when they're supposed to take place within the plot, though. They're shoreter side-type missions which will elaborate on one character or another. It's also an all right way to level up a character if it does not have enough HP to pass the Mother Trinity fight. (If you lose to her, you get kicked out into town, and can choose other quests before returning to "the plot" without notice)

I Love Ruins

This quest was posted by Nicolas the merchant guy from earlier. He has requested you & Ogi for his mission. (There is an option to bring Sarisa too, but she has no dialogue/part) After taking this quest, Nicolas shows up, thanking you for brining Ogi back to full strength. He explains that he needs an escort to some new ruins area, but Ogi prompts him that he’s leaving something out of the description. He needs to go to an unexplored unsafe area.

Sounds Dangerous / Sounds like an opportunity

If you choose Sounds Like Opportunity, that’s just what Nicolas thinks too. He could strike it rich in new areas with undiscovered items. Ogi thinks it’s too risky with just him & Nic, so that’s why you’re here. Nicolas says he’ll pay well and he’s counting on you two.

Upon arrival, you’re in a field of flowers, so Ogi says don’t go too far. Nicolas admits he’s not prepared for fighting anything down here. Ogi asks if he would consider waiting in the city while others confirmed the area was safe? He couldn’t consider something like that…as priceless artifacts could be just around the corner in a place like this. A true merchant would never pass up the opportunity.

If you can fight your way past many rumoles, Ogi calls for a break. Nicolas doesn’t want to rest so he fusses about and goes to check out the exit area without actually leaving. *Remember, Nicolas is another of those ‘invisible characters’ who never got a sprite in the game, he can only appear in cut scenes so though you’re supposed to be escorting him, there’s no one there to actually escort. Ogi says that Nicolas never changes.

Never Changes? / What a Pain

If you ask Never Changes? , Ogi explains that he’s always charging ahead. Notice that this shows that Ogi has worked at least some, if not a lot, with Nicolas before. Notice also that Ogi doesn't like him. Every merchant needs such a drive to succeed, and indeed, he is successful. To investigate the past, sometimes a powerful drive is needed. Nicolas soon returns, saying let’s go. Ogi says to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do something impulsively stupid.

If you can fight past more kapantha and rohjade, Nicolas pipes up again when you’re near the boss teleporter, saying that it’s a place people settled right after the great blank. Ogi wonders at some place being untouched for so long. He suspects however, that mass amounts of hostiles have kept people away. It’s odd though, so keep a look out.

At the boss area…
Nicolas sees a big clearing, gets excited because the dwellings are near and awakens…the rohjade & rohchrysta. These bounce and spin along, generally all 3 of them at the same time. Because it’s a wide open space though, they’re easy enough to avoid because they tend to only change direction upon hitting a wall. If you can fight past these…

Nicolas is happy to begin his search while Ogi keeps a perimeter watch. Ogi says Nic is oblivious to what the team is going through, but he doesn’t sense any hostiles. Suddenly, Nicolas shouts upset “It can’t be!” What is it? Just a beat up old device. He has gone looking and ended up very disappointed because the hostiles have messed up everything. Only unrecognizable junk is left. Even this nifty device he’s found is broken. He pushes the button, but nothing happens. He feels the effort was wasted. But…maybe his junk could still turn at least a bit of a profit, so let’s all go back.

Once back, he hurries off to run an errand.
Ogi says that’s pretty typical of his impatient nature. But…by the way…about that thing he found…

Do you know what it is, Ogi ?/ It was pretty

If you ask him if he knows what it is, he suspects he saw one long ago. It was missing the energy pack, that’s why nothing would happen with it. The one he found was a bomb, and he suspects this one is too. Nicolas has no idea though, but, Ogi is sure that if he did, he’d try to power it up. He then asks you to warn him against doing so if you see him while he’s on his errand but…


Ogi says he feels the explosion wasn’t too powerful, and Nicolas will try to put a positive spin on it. He explains that you were agreed to look after him in the field, but can’t be responsible for him all the time. He’ll jump back into the ruins after his convalescence and that’s a good break for him. Ogi promises to pay him a visit to see how he heals.

End of mission.

Isn’t this a tidy way to reveal how rotten Ogi can really be?
Ogi clearly does not like Nicolas, and never has. Even while he acknowledges his drive to explore in a positive way, he hates ‘putting up with him’, though he is a paying client and that is literally what he is being paid to do: put up with someone.
Ogi is passive aggressive, likely to the point of murder. The item is (of course) invisible because they didn’t want to render it in game.
But he has essentially watched the man pick up a defective land mine/grenade/bomb knowing full well he’ll try to get it working without knowing what it is. Ogi KNEW he would activate it, likely killing himself, and 100% willingly allowed it, excusing it with “oh but we’re not in the field, we’re only paid to help him there.”
1. What if he had been near children in his crowded merchant shop?
2. What if he passed it off to a helper to fix while making a sale & the innocent person (not the target of Ogi’s ire) killed themselves?
That’d be a good laugh
. Ogi lets his hate for Nicolas endanger others, he's a cast capable of logic but he either doesn't care about innocent lives or is stupid. And we know he's not stupid.

Medical technology is good here, but missing hands/fingers/forearms, losing eyes to shrapnel or a lower jaw/lung chest cavity injuries/hearing loss aren’t a party—even if they’re all supposedly eventually cure-able with the available tech. Convalescence isn’t fun. Would Ogi visiting him while he heals & telling him he knew it was a bomb, and wanted to see what would happen brighten ol’ Nicolas’ day? In true passive aggressive fashion, he'd never tell Nic he knew, and act all innocent, just as he tries to justify his actions with 'well we're not in the field' earlier. He knows he's doing wrong. When Nicolas ran up to you and started pushing the trigger on the bomb, that was the point at which Ogi should have said something, and he knows it, or he wouldn't be bandying about in earlier dialogue trying to justify not telling him.