Phantasy Star Dynasty Header Card
Phantasy Star Dynasty covers ALL of the "online era" Phantasy Star Series games. This includes: Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2), New Genesis NGS, Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star Portable, Infinity, and Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1, 2 and 3 as well as Blue Burst & Phantasy Star 0, with the best NPC Guides, story write-ups and an on-going comic book doujinshi style series. There is also an art gallery with traditional media and CG fan art of PSO, PSU and some DBZ.

The information here is gathered directly from the video games (Dreamcast, Game Cube, and Playstation 2, Nintendo DS, PSP, & PC), official books, and sometimes Sega / Sonic Team Sites, as well as observant fans who write in with help!

Current News:
PSO2 plot updates are ongoing: This game is big, complex & involves time shenannigans.
Oracle Anime Updates are ongoing
NEW GAME IS HERE - New Genesis NGS has released in June 2021. Of course, the plot will appear here too.

Hello, and Welcome to Phantasy Star Dynasty

This is the Site's fourth version. Updates will appear here as they are made

Second half of the Chapter 7 update is on NGS Plot 13 now. This one really leaves everyone wanting more plot, but the update here is now current to the game so it'll have to wait for another plot update.
Cards are coming: And it doesn't mean CARD battle but it may as well because apparently devs can't leave cards alone so some minigame is coming. It'll be covered here too if it has to do with the plot.

Chapter 7 of the plot appears on NGS Plot 12 and the new page
NGS Plot 13. Exciting stuff this time, the plot makes sense and some answers are had. This update will need a 2nd part to finish the plot up to current.

Caught up on the plot again at NGS Plot 12 . It's all character-driven stuff with a bit of Starless, so it's a bit strange that the 'universe ending threat' just kind of...isn't around at all in the plot. It's not bad at all/actually well done.

A more frequent update, now with the last of the plot on NGS Plot 11 and NGS Plot 12. With this, the site is caught up to where the game is on the plot. So, if anything new is to appear it has to be the PSO2 catch up part that still really needs to happen.

New year, new page of plot...and hopefully more new updates/more frequent updates for the site. Start off back at NGS Plot 10, then onward to
NGS Plot 11. The next update will bring another new page to the plot.

More facts! Things make sense! Plot is now caught up to the game as of before the mid-October update. Have a decent reading time at NGS Plot 10.

Bottom of NGS Plot 9 gets a minor update, and new plot page appears on NGS Plot 10. It's not a ton of content but there's a very interesting reveal. More to come shortly as the page isn't up to date with the game yet.

Unspoiler: other areas of the site weren't updated while waiting. Darn. However, new plot does appear, so there's a hugely spoiler recap at the top of the new NGS Plot 9. This does catch it up to the current state of the game. Hopefully further PSO2 work can happen as well to finish off that section/while it waits for more NGS plot to happen.

The NGS Plot of Part 1 is now totally finished. The episode wraps up on
NGS Plot 8. There won't be any more until the game updates. This is the 'ultimate spoilers' for the current game, so don't click it if you didn't beat it. While waiting on the game, hopefully other areas of the site can be updated.

The update did bring the finish of this section of the story, so Plot 7 Page gets more and NGS Plot 8 now appears. However, the wind-up of the story is long so there's more to go before it's caught up. Spoiler free verdict: Good Stuff.

The plot catches up to the game for NGS on Page NGS Plot 7 . Fortunately, a game update will bring more plot this week.

A bit more Stia Plot is added on New Page NGS Plot 7. The other page NGS Plot 6 is slightly spruced up. It's getting close to being current with the game again.

More Stia plot is revealed, and questions are asked. Things still make pretty good sense though, and the action is good about getting on with itself. This finishes up NGS Plot 5.

Onward to Stia in 2023 update with a new page. There's still NGS Plot 4 with more, and now NGS Plot 5 also.

New year, new update, and it's a bit of a biggie. Almost all of NGS Plot 4 has more story now. It's all the little 'extras', but they do add up to plot. More plot should come more quickly with upcoming updates. The goal is to get the site current to the plot, then get back onto the anime documentation.

A sprinkle more of plot extras continue on, but these are able to fit into the page timelines normally. (No more skimming previous things needed for now) So see a bit more on NGS Plot 3 and the new page NGS Plot 4.

NGS Plot 1 and NGS Plot 2 had to be re-arranged for the addition of the "everyone complained so we actually added more NPC interactions with plot pieces" bits. This basically bumped Kvaris plot to Page 3. Just skim the 2 pages to easily find the minor additions. Crawford's extra plot & a bit of Limted Quest fact nuggets are the real gems to be had here. (Note that this stuff showed up about a year after the original plot was released--nothing to be done but to edit the page to accomodate it all. Good to see it, though.)

NGS may be plotted a bit better but it sure isn't fast. Kvaris region is on this update at NGS Plot 2 and the new NGS Plot 3. There should be more soon, because everyone complained so they're deliberately adding more plot. (Odd that...they would confess to actively neglecting the plot of a....RPG...)

Retem time update is here, and hopefully updates can be a little more regular now. The plot is still going to be released slowly so the site will catch up again but until then NGS Plot 1 and NGS Plot 2 are here with a boss battle & more.

NGS updates very slowly, it seems. After gathering up the plot for all of Chapter 1, only one small side story appeared until December so that's why the lack of updates here too. However, now Retem Region is open so it is at last time for MoreNGS Plot. Hooray!

As you can see, something did go very, very wrong after the last update. It turns out the new engine wouldn't work AT ALL with the PC (PC too old), so a new one had to be aquired to even play the game. So now, PSO2 itself has to be played all over again from the beginning* on the NA server before its plot can even be updated all.
In the meantime! NGS has started so you can see the NGS About PageNGS Plot Page 1. It's off to a good start. What's likely to happen: NGS updates will continue AS the game is updated. (Unlike PSO2, it doesn't need to wait for translation or leveling or whatever rubbish, it can stay current to the game) This update IS CURRENT with the game plot.
Work will continue on trying to go through all of PSO2 in the meantime, to get to the end and finish the plot of it--it'll likely take a while. The opporunity will be used to re-comb-over the plot pages here for any corrections/misses/ alterations or anything like that to get caught. If it's anything signifigant it'll appear here as an update. If there's too much nothing going on, Anime episode updates will appear until that's cleaned out too.
*Yes, that does mean that all my characters lvl 100 on multiple classes and all my amassed riches & items are all abandoned forever now. They're gone, entombed on the JP server never to be seen again. PSO2 became excruciatingly boring when people never spoke/you never met anyone and being in a team meant being a slave to watering someone's magic tree and nothing more.

Some wrapping up occurs for the chapter along with some confirmation of good news for the plot on Episode 5 Story 6 . However, future updates may be delayed because the game's "Graphic Engine PreNGS update" has made the game refuse to launch and thus-far troubleshooting has failed. Update will appear here if it can get going again. (If not, it'll continue with the Anime write up & then just be delayed until NGS shows up on NA/Servers )

Episode 5 keeps going with lots of new fighting & plot progression on Episode 5 Story 5 . It keeps going onto the new page Episode 5 Story 6.

Better update schedule: engage! Now, more plot appears on Episode 5 Story 5 . There's also work on the new side-quest area for Phantom Embodiment related things.


PSO Timeline/Summary
PSU 1 Offline Story Summary
PSU 1 Online Story Summary
Ambition Illuminus Story Summary
Comic Book Doujinshi Hub
Art Gallery of Whatever
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